Romney v. Obama - Ramblings

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Romney v. Obama - Ramblings

Postby donovan » Wed Oct 03, 2012 8:05 am

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Re: Romney v. Obama - Ramblings

Postby Spence » Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:47 am

That is very good. :lol: The sad thing is he are going to elect this guy again and if you think he was bad the first time around, wait until he doesn't have to run for re-election again.
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Re: Romney v. Obama - Ramblings

Postby Derek » Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:35 pm

Don't believe the polls folks...It ain't over till it's over.

Remember Jimmy Carter beat the polls.
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Re: Romney v. Obama - Ramblings

Postby Spence » Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:39 pm

Derek wrote:Don't believe the polls folks...It ain't over till it's over.

Remember Jimmy Carter beat the polls.

Jimmy Carter didn't have volunteers going door to door "helping" people who normally wouldn't bother getting to a polling place vote from home.
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Re: Romney v. Obama - Ramblings

Postby Brian Roastbeef » Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:57 pm

Spence wrote:
Derek wrote:Don't believe the polls folks...It ain't over till it's over.

Remember Jimmy Carter beat the polls.

Jimmy Carter didn't have volunteers going door to door "helping" people who normally wouldn't bother getting to a polling place vote from home.

Exactly the issue. It's a question of whether the polls are biased nonsense designed to create a false narrative, or if they are biased nonsense designed to create a narrative justifying the election fraud. If it's the latter then we're too far gone. In fact that somebody could be this much of a disaster on every front and still have even the slightest chance of being reelected means were too far gone...

I will say one thing though. Tonight was the most one-sided debate I've ever seen. It was like the Povetkin-Rahman fight, only if instead of the 2nd round KO, Rahman had Jim Lehrer holding him up so he could get pounded for ten more rounds. It was like Alabama playing Savannah State, only Peyton Manning decides to set aside old differences to throw for the Tide.

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Re: Romney v. Obama - Ramblings

Postby Spence » Thu Oct 04, 2012 12:33 am

Romney did well in the debate. He was straight forward and clear about what he wanted to do. He did it while not being overly aggressive. The president didn't do so well tonight.

I still would like the governor or someone ask the president to name just one example of the government taking over a service or program that became more efficient. I
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Re: Romney v. Obama - Ramblings

Postby donovan » Thu Oct 04, 2012 2:50 am

All we hear on the West Coast is that Ohio is so predominately Obama, that will be the death knell for Romney....start going door to door Spence....
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Re: Romney v. Obama - Ramblings

Postby Spence » Thu Oct 04, 2012 7:21 am

donovan wrote:All we hear on the West Coast is that Ohio is so predominately Obama, that will be the death knell for Romney....start going door to door Spence....

I don't think that Ohio is as "in the books" as everyone thinks, but it is very evident that the president is leading. Last election the president's friends at Acorn moved here in time to vote. They registered lots of people that had never voted before and brought them in by buses to the polling places. This time they don't have to come in. I suspect people who have been dead for years will be voting in large groups this year. The Chicago Democratic machine in alive and well and here in Ohio right now. It is going to be tough.

I do think that Romney still has a chance here, but unfortunately it will go to to the wire if he is to win this state. If they call Ohio early, it won't be for Mitt Romney.
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Re: Romney v. Obama - Ramblings

Postby Brian Roastbeef » Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:11 am

Good on the ground info there. Sadly Ohio is a must for Romney, unless he takes at least one of Wisconsin, Nevada, Michigan, or Pennsylvania.... and that's assuming Virginia and Iowa go the right way, which doesn't look bad but is no guarantee. Need everybody to do what they can out there (I'm mostly helpless here in crapsack New York). As Hugh Hewitt says, if it isn't close, they can't cheat. Really sad that any Democrat pretty much gets a three point, homefield spread coming out the gate, just because we have rampant election fraud and a propagandist media complicit in boosting it.

At this point I don't see what is to save us from going into the fire - a Romney victory just slows it by a decade or so. This past four years though has been frightening in what the left realizes they can get away with in this country. A Romney victory doesn't undo that, just sends it into hiding until the next Democratic victory....or until things get so sick that the Lord comes down to straighten it out Himself. The swarmers have made great gains abroad with the USA idle during this administration.

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Re: Romney v. Obama - Ramblings

Postby Dossenator » Thu Oct 04, 2012 12:38 pm

Obama looked dazed and confused...completely out of his element without a telepromter. He seemed to be nervous or unprepared....he would not look at the camera, was fidgeting a lot, said ummmm more times then I could keep count, and NEVER EVER looked towards Romney when he was speaking. And he looked down right crazy when he kept referring to a 5 trillion dollars for tax cuts and funding the military...Romney (whether he was telling the truth or not was strong in his denial) but any time Obama got into a tight spot he brought up the 5 trillion.

Obama had no answers to the jabs from Romney because the jabs were true. Obama made grand promises about cutting the deficit in half in his first 4 years, lowering unemployment, and the list goes on and on. The problem is none of his promises have come through. Obama did nothing but blame the previous administration for the countries woes...something else he promised he would never do 4 years ago.

On the other hand, Romney looked and sounded prepared. Extremely confident. He looked at the president when he was talking about their differences. He was quick on his feet and sounded genuine. I am not saying Romney is the answer either but can he do any worse then Obama and his administration.

The University of Colorado comes out with analysis of election factor points. They have successfully predicted every presidential election correctly since 1980. They show Romney winning this one. ... study-says
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Re: Romney v. Obama - Ramblings

Postby Spence » Thu Oct 04, 2012 2:26 pm

Brian Roastbeef wrote:Good on the ground info there. Sadly Ohio is a must for Romney, unless he takes at least one of Wisconsin, Nevada, Michigan, or Pennsylvania.... and that's assuming Virginia and Iowa go the right way, which doesn't look bad but is no guarantee. Need everybody to do what they can out there (I'm mostly helpless here in crapsack New York). As Hugh Hewitt says, if it isn't close, they can't cheat. Really sad that any Democrat pretty much gets a three point, homefield spread coming out the gate, just because we have rampant election fraud and a propagandist media complicit in boosting it.

At this point I don't see what is to save us from going into the fire - a Romney victory just slows it by a decade or so. This past four years though has been frightening in what the left realizes they can get away with in this country. A Romney victory doesn't undo that, just sends it into hiding until the next Democratic victory....or until things get so sick that the Lord comes down to straighten it out Himself. The swarmers have made great gains abroad with the USA idle during this administration.

I don't think Romney is the answer either, but I know Obama isn't. I am willing to give Romney as shot.

I agree with you on the voter fraud. It is bad in Ohio. Not just the Democrats. They seem to be better at it, but the Republican's do their fair share too.
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Re: Romney v. Obama - Ramblings

Postby Eric » Thu Oct 04, 2012 6:27 pm

The problem Obama has is that Democrats can't say they want to cut spending, so they have to sweep the issue under the rug and pretend it doesn't exist and pretend that higher taxes on the rich can magically generate trillions of dollars without stalling the economy. That is their only recourse and they should be hammered on that more often. Republicans on the other hand are explicit in saying they want to curb deficit spending, but they never do it because the political reality of our time is that each group in America wants their handouts to keep coming. So the bottom line is: Republicans talk the talk and don't want to walk the walk, but even if they were going to walk the walk, they couldn't get away with it because everybody would cry that their sacred cow is getting slaughtered. So we'll all sink on the Titanic together then.

Paul Ryan's budget is small potatoes compared to what they could do. Ron Paul's trillion dollar cut on Day One would be awesome, but again, the political reality is that Congress would never support it. They won't even support Ryan's budget that isn't supposed to balance until what, 2040? There really is no solution to this behemoth that is going to come crashing down on people. Republicans won't cut the budget, Democrats can't even say that the budget is on troubled water because of their constituency, and Congress doesn't want to cut the budget because then they couldn't bring home the bacon.

But of course, I'm not looking at the Republicans like some saintly figures who just want to cut that darn budget but all these roadblocks happen to be in the way. They like the status quo because Washington amasses an enormous amount of money and that power structure attracts power mongers like flies are attracted to rotten food. It's just the incentive structure of our government and nobody should be surprised at what it spits back out at us. GIGO.
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Re: Romney v. Obama - Ramblings

Postby Derek » Fri Oct 05, 2012 1:20 am

I agree with what you guys are saying, especially our esteemed colleague from New York Mr. Roastbeef. I believe the resistence to voter ID laws is another avenue for election fraud.

What does someone having to show or prove that they live where they say they live have to do with civil rights???? Or denying people the right to vote.

Any time the words civil rights, racist, hate speech are used.....You know that there are attempts to silence dissent.

I would point you to the Eric Holder incident where someone walked into his district and voted as him.......and NO ONE questioned him. Why? Because he was not required to show ID.

With ACORN (formerly known as) and other org's knowingly committing election fraud, I can't imagine NOT having to show ID. My 2 cents.
They’re either going to run the ball here or their going to pass it.

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Re: Romney v. Obama - Ramblings

Postby donovan » Fri Oct 05, 2012 4:09 am

Seems to me, small "l" libertarian that I am, that the Republicans are not a whole lot different than Democrats, they both want to maintain the status quo. Having said that, I think, Romney is the solution, as much as anyone person can be. Seems to be a moral person, which I think personally Obama is also, has led a life that reflects his values and has been able to accomplish goals in the midst of adversity. We need a President that operates on principal more than expediency. The American people will follow leaders that lead, but we are tired of the moral superiority of those in Washington, tired of solving problems with money and tired of fighting wars that could be won overnight, forever.

I think Romney will be guided economically by Paul Ryan's belief in Austrian economics. Ryan has the potential of being the most active Vice President we have seen in a long time, even if behind the scenes.

There are issues on which I do not agree with Romney, but there has been in the last four years, a leader that believes in Communism, the abandonment of the sovereignty of the United States and a willingness to sell the principles of liberty and freedom to those that abhor those founding doctrines. I will vote for Romney Ryan with an unapologetic and willing heart.
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Re: Romney v. Obama - Ramblings

Postby Dossenator » Fri Oct 05, 2012 11:31 am

Well said Donovan.
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