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Postby Spence » Mon Feb 27, 2006 1:56 am

You can really throw a punch when you want too, huh MM :oops:

It is all in the delivery. :lol:
"History doesn't always repeat itself but it often rhymes." - Mark Twain


Postby mountainman » Mon Feb 27, 2006 11:11 am

It's a character flaw I have, Spence. I view it as a weakness, not a strength. :roll:

I suppose I'm just one of those guys who believes that if someone enjoys throwing hand grenades at others maybe they will enjoy catching a few. :wink:


Postby mountainman » Mon Feb 27, 2006 6:34 pm

Those are some telling numbers, irish88.

I suppose one would have to conclude the college and university presidents have a valid point about their concerns about how college athletics seasons are affecting academics. I mean #25 at 39% make me wonder what #119 is. Kind of validates the presidents position.

By the way, its been quite a while since anyone called me "Mr. Sensitive". Have you been talking to Chink, Bloom, Maysel or Phil? They used to call me that. It all started when a new barmaid showed up at the Stumble Inn. She was a real good looking gal and a good barmaid, but she obviously didn't know how to button up the top three buttons of her blouse. She had been there for a couple of weeks and was serving a round to the boys when she asked them, "Where's mountainman?" Of course those guys started thinking something was up, so they lied. They asked her why she was looking for me and she said, "I really like him, he's so fun to talk to and interesting. We talked till after 3:00 am last Saturday, he's so easy to talk to and he's very sensitive."

Well, that stuck for about 6 months or so ......

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Postby Spence » Mon Feb 27, 2006 9:36 pm

We talked till after 3:00 am last Saturday, he's so easy to talk to and he's very sensitive."

About the BOTTOM 3 buttons, no doubt. :shock: :lol:
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Postby Spence » Mon Feb 27, 2006 9:45 pm

Architecture is demanding because the labs are very time consuming. Players spend 30 to 40 hours a week devoted to football and the labs are hard to fit in and they are manditory. There just isn't much time for it.

Still Weis EDIT: shouldn't have thrown the kid under the bus for it. He made the decision that he thought was best for his future. Weis should have applauded his decision for being a mature one. Instead he took it as a negative, like kids would be afraid that they can't do both if they come to Notre Dame. Fact is no matter where they go to school they probably couldn't do both as an Architecture major. Not impossible, but almost.

Weis over reacted big time on this one.
Last edited by Spence on Tue Feb 28, 2006 12:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Spence » Mon Feb 27, 2006 11:44 pm

think of craig krenzel. the NC qb from ohio state - he majored in a difficult subject ( aerospace engineering ? ) help me out spence. look at robert smith when he was ohio state. again, i say bravo to these true student/athletes.

Krenzel's major was Molecular Genetics. He had a 4.0 when he went to the NFL. He will be back, after the NFL quits paying him, to finish and then go to med. school. He will also have the money to pay for grad school. That is the problem I have with grad rates, Krenzel counts against Ohio State's grad rate because he won't finish in six years. If he would have finished spring quarter, instead of going to the NFL, he would have graduated at the top of his class. He will finish school. He will be a doctor and unlike most, he won't need student loans to pay for it.

Krenzel's major, while harder mentally then Architecture, it isn't as time consuming. (that is the difference)
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Postby Derek » Tue Mar 14, 2006 10:21 pm

bama_girl wrote:and here's a very special quote for matt leinheart from the same author..............

"Don't talk too much. Don't pop off. Don't talk after the game until you cool off."

-bear bryant

Dizzam!!! :lol:
They’re either going to run the ball here or their going to pass it.

The fewer rules a coach has, the fewer rules there are for players to break.

See, well ya see, the thing is, he should have caught that ball. But the ball is bigger than his hands.

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Postby Derek » Tue Mar 14, 2006 10:24 pm

..fanatic wrote:Bum Phillips was a great personality. Too many bland coaches these days.

Yeah. And I hate that he had to coach at Houston, which was always a lousy program. I dont think they ever went to the Super Bowl. But I did like their helmets.

I used to have an alarm clock with their helmet. Good memory's of Bum and that alarm clock. :D
They’re either going to run the ball here or their going to pass it.

The fewer rules a coach has, the fewer rules there are for players to break.

See, well ya see, the thing is, he should have caught that ball. But the ball is bigger than his hands.

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Postby Yeofoot » Thu Mar 16, 2006 2:25 pm

A lot of coaches treat the recruits like a sleezy guy at the bar treats women. They'll say anything to convince them to give them what they want. They'll get a kid that is convinced he wants to do architecture, and the coach doesn't think he'll actually do it, and knows that he won't be able to do it at his school, but will lie and say it is possible.

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