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For Whom Did You Vote For President of the United States

Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump
Gary Johnson
No votes
Jill Stein
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Postby donovan » Tue Nov 08, 2016 2:12 pm

For Whom Did You Vote.
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Re: Vote

Postby Spence » Wed Nov 09, 2016 12:43 am

I have voted in every presidential election since 1980. Today for the first time ever, I couldn't pick a candidate for the top position in this country. I think both candidates at the top of the big two parties are morally bankrupt and unfit to serve. I think Johnson is an idiot and Stein is from a one issue party. I think it is a sad state of affairs when we as a nation can't find anyone better than these candidates. Have we finally hit bottom? Is the republic nearing it's end? We have come a long way from Washington. Jefferson. Lincoln, Kennedy, and Reagan. A long way indeed. Just in the wrong direction.

There will be a winner, one or the other. Either way the people lose.
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Re: Vote

Postby Eric » Wed Nov 09, 2016 4:17 am

I voted for Trump, with no apologies. 8)

I don't like the country's immigration policies. I think Hillary Clinton is an insane war monger and probable war criminal. SCOTUS was on the line, which was huge. Nobody's touching our guns now. So I'm happy with the way things turned out. You don't have to like him personally to think that he could govern well (if he keeps his promises, big if). It's a wild card, but a chance I'd rather take given what we know about the other option.
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Re: Vote

Postby billybud » Wed Nov 09, 2016 1:48 pm

I think that everyone seriously misjudged the American mood....I listened to a poll/prediction guru say..."We got it wrong. We all got it wrong. We'll go back through the data, look at our processes, and try to figure out what happened.
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Re: Vote

Postby Spence » Wed Nov 09, 2016 5:32 pm

They didn't get it wrong. They reported what they found. The problem was that they were hanging out in all the wrong places.they didn't go to suburban Philadelphia they went to the city to ask their questions. They didn't go near the rural areas. Those people don't have the numbers to matter. Except this time they did.

My take on Trump winning was that when he spoke it wasn't politically correct speech, it was straight talk or a least perceived as straight talk and people identified with it. I think people are tired of the career politicians and their rules to stay in power.
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Re: Vote

Postby donovan » Sat Nov 12, 2016 10:27 am

I am dismayed that I feel must apologize for the condition of the State of Oregon. The rioting and destruction has been exactly as it has been portrayed on the national news. Yesterday I got back from Minneapolis and as I was leaving the airport, my normal route was detoured because of the rioters, and this was 10:30 AM PST. Oregon is a textbook example of social policies where recipients have no personal accountability.
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Re: Vote

Postby Spence » Sat Nov 12, 2016 10:21 pm

donovan wrote:I am dismayed that I feel must apologize for the condition of the State of Oregon. The rioting and destruction has been exactly as it has been portrayed on the national news. Yesterday I got back from Minneapolis and as I was leaving the airport, my normal route was detoured because of the rioters, and this was 10:30 AM PST. Oregon is a textbook example of social policies where recipients have no personal accountability.

I don't think you should apologize for something you didn't have a part in. You did nothing. I'm sure there were a bunch of kids influenced by some professional protesters. My oldest is has the same attitude. She basically called everyone who supported Trump Bigots and Racists. I guess she thought since I didn't support him it was alright. I told her that even if all Trump supporters were racist (which is silly); hating people because of what they believe is bigotry and hating them because they are white Trump supporters is racist. Of course she just thinks I am an idiot. That is what these kids don't get. Their hate represents the very thing they think they are protesting against. I didn't like Obama's policies. I do think he was a successful president from the standpoint that he did what he said he would do. I think that political correctness needs to take a hike. I do believe that there is still racism in America. I think all races have their share of racists. I think, though, that most main stream people have to much to worry about in their own lives to worry about hating others. I also believe that the people protesting violently in our streets need to really study the way Germany became a country consumed by hate in the 1930's. The comparisons would scare them.
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Re: Vote

Postby Eric » Mon Nov 14, 2016 5:41 pm

Obama was the president and the world isn't completely falling apart. That is the new standard for how we judge presidents :D
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Re: Vote

Postby Spence » Mon Nov 14, 2016 8:38 pm

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Re: Vote

Postby Derek » Wed Nov 16, 2016 9:28 pm

I voted Trump, but I wanted to vote for Gary. I voted Trump because I kinda believed the polls and the news that said it would be a close race.

Not a fan of Trump's personality or the fact that I just don't believe he is an economic conservative. I don't see him overturning Obamacare (ACA). I don't see a lot of things he's promising happening.
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Re: Vote

Postby donovan » Thu Nov 17, 2016 7:44 am

Derek wrote:I voted Trump, but I wanted to vote for Gary. I voted Trump because I kinda believed the polls and the news that said it would be a close race.

Not a fan of Trump's personality or the fact that I just don't believe he is an economic conservative. I don't see him overturning Obamacare (ACA). I don't see a lot of things he's promising happening.

He is a centrist, which is where all Presidents and Supreme Court Justices end up if they are to accomplish anything, good or bad.
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Re: Vote

Postby donovan » Tue Nov 22, 2016 12:59 pm

Trump has moved to the center quicker than my grandkids do to an Oreo Cookie.
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