Newtown massacre

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Newtown massacre

Postby Spence » Mon Dec 17, 2012 12:15 am

I would like to mention the families of the victims of the terrible slaughter at Newtown. I don't understand how anyone can go into a class of 6-7 year olds and murder them in cold blood. All in the name, it seems, of making the headlines. It hurts when innocent people are killed no matter what, but it really cuts into my soul to hear that 20 kids who were just learning to read, who were getting reading for their fifth of sixth Christmas, who would be just old enough to play little league this summer could be senselessly murdered in their school. I don't know any of them, but I ache for their families. I can't imagine losing a child at anytime in their life, but losing one who has discovered so little about life, is unimaginable to me. I pray for some healing in the families life. I pray that they can some how move past this. I pray that no other family must suffer because some crazy person wants to be famous. I pray that we never here his name again or the name of any unbalanced person hellbent on being infamous. I pray that at some point these families can find their way to move past this tragedy. I can only hug my kids a little tighter tonight hoping one day that something so evil never touches their lives.
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Re: Newtown massacre

Postby donovan » Mon Dec 17, 2012 2:31 am

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Re: Newtown massacre

Postby Eric » Mon Dec 17, 2012 5:33 am

Agreed. It's unfortunate. These poor kids didn't get a fair shot at life. I don't know if it was done for fame or if he did it as some revenge thing to his mom who taught at the school. When you're dealing with unbalanced people, it's tough to decipher a motive. I suppose a lot of these insane people get so frustrated at "the system" who they blame for their mental illness and they take some people out in one last rage before they off themselves.

What is also distressing is that the impulse to do massive amounts of harm to people is part of human psychology, if you look at it from a collective perspective. It's not unique to American culture, although it's portrayed that way sometimes. There was an incident in China the very day this happened where a guy stabbed 20+ kids in a classroom setting. That idiot in Denmark also went on a pointless shooting rampage a couple years ago.
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Re: Newtown massacre

Postby Spence » Mon Dec 17, 2012 10:38 am

His mom didn't teach at the school. That was reported early, but turned out to be wrong. It appears he was looking for fame. You are supposed to forgive. I think if my child was involved, that I would be incapable if forgiveness. I also think I could live with my failing on that matter.
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Re: Newtown massacre

Postby Spence » Mon Dec 17, 2012 4:28 pm

Now the president is using this tragedy to make political hay - calling for tough gun control laws. If he would have come in with a bomb strapped on his back - something anyone can build with items purchased at Walmart - would we ban bombs? ......................oh wait........................ :roll:

This is a terrible tragedy. If we want to find out how to stop these things from happening, we need to have a serious discussion on how we deal with mental illness in this country and also how we cover these kinds of stories in the media. This coward killed himself, why do I need to know his name? He can't hurt me. He isn't related to me. He didn't kill my family. Report the story, cover the victims and their families, and do what we can do to help them heal and move on. Don't give any publicity to the coward's who want to be famous and can think of no better way than to get their fame on the suffering of others. This isn't a time to push political agenda's in the name of the 6 years old victims.
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Re: Newtown massacre

Postby Eric » Mon Dec 17, 2012 5:35 pm

Spence wrote:His mom didn't teach at the school. That was reported early, but turned out to be wrong. It appears he was looking for fame. You are supposed to forgive. I think if my child was involved, that I would be incapable if forgiveness. I also think I could live with my failing on that matter.

Can we expect the media to get anything right anymore? :roll:
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Re: Newtown massacre

Postby Spence » Mon Dec 17, 2012 5:41 pm

The media in this country is the same kind of propaganda machine as they have in Russia, north Korea, and China. They could care less about reporting the facts. They only care about reporting to support an agenda. We have right wing and left wing media. The very fact that we know that tells you they are a propaganda machine.
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Re: Newtown massacre

Postby Eric » Mon Dec 17, 2012 5:50 pm

Well if people are going to use this tragedy for increased gun control, I say it's perfectly fair to try and counter those arguments. These deaths are horrific, but to base national policy on something that is statistically insignificant is ludicrous. I know the deaths of the children aren't statistically insignificant to the families involved or the town of Newport, but what's the alternative? The alternative is that defenseless people can't defend their property or their person. Gun-free zones can't respond to somebody insane going on a shooting rampage until 5 minutes after it starts when the police get there. You can quantify the number of times a gun protected somebody in the USA (I think I saw something where it was over a million times, but don't quote me). But this also ignores the number of unattempted potential robberies and murders that would have occurred if the criminals knew they would have no means of defense against a gun.

The bottom line is that drug and gang violence is the major reason why the US has a higher homicide rate. Those people maybe find it easy to get a gun in the US, but if the local gun shop is put out of business due to the federal government saying that handguns are illegal, they'll find a way around that. Fix the drug problem in the US and you eliminate a ton of gun violence. The liberals that point to Europe and Japan as models miss the fact that these areas didn't have a problem with gun violence before gun control was implemented. Gun violence saw a slight uptick soon after it was passed. There are countries like Switzerland where gun ownership is high but crime is microscopic. So the amount of guns society has is not the total issue. It's what the people are like in any given population. It should be obvious, but America and Europe are apples and oranges.
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Re: Newtown massacre

Postby Spence » Mon Dec 17, 2012 6:28 pm

I agree with you, but I think this story should only be about the victims and their families. It is a senseless tragedy. The problem with senseless violence is that it is the hardest to stop. There is little chance that you can stop someone who kills without a real motive. If someone decides to kill people tomorrow and walks into a McDonalds or any crowded place with a gun, bomb or even a knife or ball bat, and he doesn't care if he survives or who his target is, he will likely have some success. No amount of law can stop a psychopath. If the teachers had guns, the guy may not have killed as many kids. If someone saw him coming with the guns or caught wind of what he was going to do early, maybe they could have headed it off. Chances are, though, in cases like this the guy is going to take people with him. It is a suicide mission. The only way to try and head them off is to not ever utter the name of the guy who wants people to remember his name.

This is about the senseless killing of 6 year olds. I want to puke everytime I think of what happened. I don't know any of the victims and I tear up every time I see one of the children's pictures. It is the worst kind of evil against the best of us. It is a crime against the innocents and their memory and their lost potential is what we should be thinking of right now. Not how to ban guns.
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Re: Newtown massacre

Postby Derek » Mon Dec 17, 2012 10:12 pm

IMO, this was an act of evil. We can blame all of the ancillary things we want, but in the end, this is how evil operates.

My prayers are with the families and the town.
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Re: Newtown massacre

Postby Spence » Mon Dec 17, 2012 10:51 pm

Derek wrote:IMO, this was an act of evil. We can blame all of the ancillary things we want, but in the end, this is how evil operates.

My prayers are with the families and the town.

Exactly. Blame right now solves nothing. The coward is dead. Only the victim's families and their memories count now.
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