barry bonds/steroids

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Postby Spence » Sat Mar 11, 2006 8:36 am

People say they shouldn't kick him out because there was a rule when he did it. I say that they kicked Shoeless Joe out without a rule and without proof he actually tried to throw the games. Bonds cheated - good bye. Same with the others caught cheating.
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Postby Eric » Sat Mar 11, 2006 6:05 pm

I don't want to buy it because there is no proof. Only their words, which can't be proven now. Unless Barry Bonds fails a drug test this season, nobody can say he cheated. What happened to "innocent until proven guilty"?
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Postby Spence » Sun Mar 12, 2006 12:07 am

I don't want to buy it because there is no proof. Only their words, which can't be proven now. Unless Barry Bonds fails a drug test this season, nobody can say he cheated. What happened to "innocent until proven guilty"?

There is proof. Eyewitness grand jury testamony from the guy who gave it to him. Bonds even admitted taking "something", but said he didn't know what it was. Give me a break. Bonds is such a control freak it isn't possible for someone like that to put something into his body that he didn't know what it was.

Read the new Bonds book, he cheated and no way should he ever be allowed to pass Aaron on the all time list.
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Postby Eric » Sun Mar 12, 2006 12:35 am

I think Bonds took steroids, but I can't say I know that for a fact. Yes there were the testimonies, but is there any physical proof? I don't really like the guy either, but he still hasn't been proven guilty of anything.
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Postby Spence » Sun Mar 12, 2006 11:40 am

i guess my problem with the whole thing is until he comes clean can baseball really do anything to him ? how bout mike schmidt admitting he was amped up on amphetamines or kirk gibson taking a cortizone shot minutes before hitting the home run off of eckersley in the 88 series, was that cheating ? there was no testing policy in place until 2002 , so can you penalize him, mcguire, sosa for what they did in 99, 00, 01 ?

There was no rule against gambling in 1919 when Landis kicked Joe Jackson out of the game. There also was no proof that he helped throw any games. Their was proof that he took the cash, but that is it.

Bonds was an amazing baseball player before the steroids. The best all around player I have ever seen. I got to see him play a lot when he was in Pittsburgh and he could do everything. Then he cheated.

If Landis can kick out Joe Jackson for what he did, then Selig kicking out Bonds should be a slam dunk.

As for Schmitt and Gibson, amphetamines aren't proformance inhancing. He should have done it, but if you kick everyone out that took amphetamines, there wouldn't be many left. As for Gibson, cortozone is a steroid, but it is a legal treament, documented and given by a doctor. It isn't illegal even today. What Bonds and the others did was proformance inhancing and they did it for personal gain. They should be kicked out.
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Postby Spence » Mon Mar 13, 2006 3:52 pm

Mcguire, Sosa, Bonds, Palmeiro should all get asterisks beside all of their achievements in any publication. And all the rest that took steroids.

I agree.
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Re: barry bonds/steroids

Postby Derek » Thu Mar 23, 2006 1:33 am

irish88 wrote:does anyone have an interest in buying/reading the new book about barry bonds alleged steroid use ?

what do you think major league baseball should/will do about it ?

DO NOT let him break Babe Ruth's record....Much less be the Home Run King...Ban him from baseball....
They’re either going to run the ball here or their going to pass it.

The fewer rules a coach has, the fewer rules there are for players to break.

See, well ya see, the thing is, he should have caught that ball. But the ball is bigger than his hands.

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Postby Derek » Wed May 31, 2006 1:02 pm

Am I the only one pissed that he passed Babe Ruth?? :evil:

A little know statistic is that he has hit like 75% of his home runs in the last 5-10 years.

It makes me physically angry that we accept this as "OK" and allow his records to stand, when he has obviously cheated. And yes I would say the same for McGwire.
They’re either going to run the ball here or their going to pass it.

The fewer rules a coach has, the fewer rules there are for players to break.

See, well ya see, the thing is, he should have caught that ball. But the ball is bigger than his hands.

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Postby Eric » Wed May 31, 2006 1:13 pm

Well, guys, come on, it is rather obvious. But he hasn't been PROVEN guilty of anything at all! Maybe he just worked his butt off. Maybe he took the cream for a month and it got flushed out of his system. I think he cheated, but we can't say that he did because we don't know. It's like convicting those Duke lacrosse players because it seemed to point towards them without listening to the evidence.

I'm mad too because the home run leader at that time had about 100-something homeruns! That's crazy. So he beat that by over 600%. Imagine what that would come out to be today! People should remember, however, he didn't play the best Negro league players and baseball in Latin America hadn't caught on yet. Regardless, the dimensions of places like the Polo Grounds were much, much larger than they are today.

He probably didn't deserve to pass him, but he did, and that deserves some recognition. To shun it and for the MLB to act like it never happened (by not celebrating it), is freakin' ridiculous. You know how many other people hit 715 home runs? One.
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Postby Spence » Wed May 31, 2006 3:08 pm

rolltide wrote:I think he cheated. I don't like the fact that he is in the same category as Ruth and Aaron and Mays. Greatest player is Ruth, he could do anything, pitch, hit and party while doing it. Heavier bats and balls, and bigger fields.

Ruth was probably the greatest ever, but he wasted his talent. His numbers could have been a lot better with some motivation. Aaron is statistically the greatest play. He is near the top of almost every hitting catagory. He did it the right way. He didn't cheat and he hit to help his team. He was one of the most consistant hitters that ever lived. It would be a real shame if Bonds passes Aaron.

Bonds says he repects Hank, hopefully he respects him enough not to taint the record. Barry Bonds doesn't deserve to have his name on the top of that list.

Eric, Bonds admitted to using steroids, he just claimed that he didn't know what they were. The reason he didn't get caught is that baseball didn't test for them. Bonds knows the truth and so does most everyone else. He will have to live with the fact that guys like Mays, Ruth, Aaron, and Maris did something he couldn't do without cheating. That will follow Bonds like the fallout from the Blacksox scandal followed shoeless joe until his death or like gambling will always shadow what Pete Rose did on the field. No one will forget.
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Postby Derek » Wed May 31, 2006 10:06 pm

Well said Spence....He knew what he was taking..."I didnt inhale"...Does that sound familar? :lol:
They’re either going to run the ball here or their going to pass it.

The fewer rules a coach has, the fewer rules there are for players to break.

See, well ya see, the thing is, he should have caught that ball. But the ball is bigger than his hands.

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Postby Spence » Wed May 31, 2006 11:41 pm

irish88 wrote:barry bonds should be treated like a king today . the reason he is not is because of barry bonds. he comes across like a jerk. he thinks he is bigger than baseball, he thinks he is above the law . if you were to take a poll of baseball fans outside of san fran - i'd venture to say 85% of all fans wish he did not pass babe ruth and probably 90% hopes he never passes hammerin hank . mainly because the fans believe he did use illegal steroids. also , because nobody likes the guy .

when the pete rose/hall of fame argument comes up - those who believe pete does not belong in the hall are not saying it because of the numbers he produced, or even, because he gambled on baseball, they are saying it because they don't like pete rose. sad but true .

just my 2 cents.

I don't care for Bonds, it is true, but that has nothing to do with my opinion. Pete Rose was my favorite ballplayer. I have his rookie baseball card and every year after until he retired. I still think that Rose shouldn't be allowed back in baseball. He knew the rule and he broke it. He was even warned a few years before to watch his gambling habits and he still thumbed his nose at the game. Rose should never hold another job with major league baseball.

I believe the hall of fame is a different matter, although baseball does not. I think Rose did enough to be a member of the hall. Bonds too for that matter. Barry Bonds without steroids was likely the best ballplayer of his time. He did enough before he broke the rules to be in the HOF.

Bonds as good as he was still isn't as good as Aaron. Even after cheating for seven years Bonds likely will not pass Aaron. Which is as it should be. No one who cheated to get there belongs to have his name on top of the most prestigious record in the game. Baseball is a game of statistics. If the stats are bad, it puts on more nail in the coffin of an already severely damaged game.
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Postby Derek » Thu Jun 01, 2006 2:37 pm

"If the stats are bad, it puts on more nail in the coffin of an already severely damaged game."


And what are we teaching kids??? Or does anyone in baseball care about that type of useless stuff.

I use the word "useless" sarcastically. They are our MOST IMPORTANT asset, and teaching them that it's OK to cheat, as long as they dont get caught, IS WRONG.

I will not argue this with anyone, even if im the only one on this whole stinkin planet. :x Im still right.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
They’re either going to run the ball here or their going to pass it.

The fewer rules a coach has, the fewer rules there are for players to break.

See, well ya see, the thing is, he should have caught that ball. But the ball is bigger than his hands.

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Postby Spence » Thu Jun 01, 2006 3:07 pm

irish88 wrote:i really believe baseball doesn't believe about our kids . look at the post-season . how many games can kids watch ? baseball will not alter the schedule to make it kid-friendly . all they care about is TV revenue . they just "assume" kids will follow the sport .

if it weren't for congress bringing in mcguire, sosa, canseco etc - i bet baseball would be honoring bonds big time for passing the babe. now i think they just want to distant themselves from bonds and hopes he will go away soon. just my 2 cents.

Your right about baseball not caring about the kids, or even the fans for that matter. I used to have season tickets to the Cincinnati Reds, I was a big baseball fan. My dad and I went to games together until the last strike. I haven't been to a game since. It used to be if a team had a good system they would be consistantly good. Now the small markets can't compete and baseball keeps expanding. The talent is watered down. The over all quality of the game is suffering and most of all, kids don't play ball anymore. When I was a little kid we played ball all summer. We played in leagues and we played pick up games afterward. Now kids aren't even interested in the game anymore. Baseball is the worst mismanaged business on the planet, except maybe Enron.
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Postby Eric » Thu Jun 01, 2006 4:13 pm

Bonds never said how long he took that stuff. He also adamantly refuses to admit that he has taken any form of steroids intentionally (on his reality show that I saw once or twice). As of right now, although it is glaringly obvious, you can't say he's lying for a fact. I mean, you need tangible proof. There are always circumstances to things. We have a thing in America called, "innocent until proven guilty", and he hasn't been yet in a court of law or been busted by the MLB. So until then, celebrate his record-bashing, and if/when he is busted, call him out on it and place an asterik by his name.

The MLB is doing pretty well. I still go to games. Even though a lot of them are spoiled, arrogant, and egotistical, the game is still fun to watch.
Running bowl/MSU/OSU record '05-present: 11-32

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