Classic Movies...

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Classic Movies...

Postby openSkies » Fri Sep 22, 2006 8:27 am

Anyone here watch classics from the late 40s through the 50s?

I'm trying to remember the name/actors/anything about a movie I saw probably a year ago. Black amd white. I barely remember any of the plot, and might even be confusing it with another movie... here it goes anyways...

I missed the first part of the movie, but it picked up where a young girl (teens) is at a train station, airport, something... she sits down at a bar/restaraunt, and orders a saucer of milk and some pickles (maybe even strawberries). Anyways, she's been staying with an older man (30s/40s) who I believe was a writer, or something of the sort. Back at the bar, a friend of the older man spots the girl eating her pickles and milk and assumes she's pregnant, with the older man's child of course. The friend goes over to the man and punches him, and the older man has no idea why. Turns out the girl's mother ate pickles and milk when pregnant with her, and kept doing so until the girl was older, where she picked up the habit.

Something along those lines. I only caught a little bit of it, but it's been bothering me all week trying to remember the name of the dang movie, or at least the main actor/actress.

Anyone recall something like that?

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Postby Spence » Fri Sep 22, 2006 3:55 pm

Was it "Bus Stop"?
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Postby openSkies » Fri Sep 22, 2006 4:12 pm

... no.

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Postby Eric » Fri Sep 22, 2006 4:16 pm

I don't watch a lot of TCM, so I'm clueless :?
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Postby Derek » Fri Sep 22, 2006 11:13 pm

Not sure what movie that is....But I know TCM has some good freakin movies sometimes....They dont make em like they used too. I used to think that was a tired statement that everyone used. Then I started to watch that channel a little more often and I realized the statement is true. :oops:
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