Boise State

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Postby donovan » Sat Nov 25, 2006 9:46 am

Not a dream but a prohetic vision; espescially about Johnson presence even if it is on the sidelines. I too trust that the attending physician has no reservations about his assignments.

What kind of talk show do you do from the Phillipines? (Is it the one we can hear everynight?) :D
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Postby silverfox » Sat Nov 25, 2006 10:20 am

What kind of talk show do you do from the Phillipines? (Is it the one we can hear everynight?)

Not a talk show actually -- but a syndicated radio "music" show heard in over 85 countries and traditional broadcast radio...I feature new releases by established and emerging artists -- Let's see, Willie Nelson has a a new release being featured on next week's show...

Yes you can hear the show anytime at

Who knows, maybe in the future we will produce a talk show -- maybe I can convince the powers to be to do sports... but international sports is such a HUGE topic and I am more partial to college sports... oh well...


Postby colorado_loves_football » Sat Nov 25, 2006 12:50 pm

We all know that ranking is subjective, varies from individual to individual, but Nevada is a pretty good team, in general. After losing, away to Fresno St, they've played well, mostly. Losing away, to Arizona St, really isn't something to be ashamed of, neither, for that matter, is losing to Hawaii, a very good team, by anyone's standard. And Fresno St was a lot better, beginning-of-year, evidenced in part by a close loss to Oregon, who was 'awesome' early-on, has since 'fizzled'-out some.
I believe Nevada 'approximates' Alabama. You guys can question my methods, I'll stand by them, until they fail me. I also have them at, or near where K-State stands, and K-State beat Texas, at home. (Alabama beat Hawaii). So, what we are talking about (if my methods work) is a Boise St vs Alabama pairing, of sorts.
I think if Boise St plays well, today, they will 'earn' a spot in the BCS. If they lose, they don't deserve to go. It's really that simple. And, it's 'rivalry' week. Two very good WAC teams, playing for 'bragging rights'. What a privilege to be part of it, in some fashion, however small.

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Postby donovan » Sat Nov 25, 2006 1:32 pm

If Boise wins...put them in some Picadillo Taco Burrito Jalapeno Fiest Bowl and let them play .... If they lose....they can stay home.

All sports are contests between two contestants. The winner is just that.
If you want to handicapp football..which is what all these diatribes are...then have enough honesty to do that. Do not be so deceptive. The BCS recognized SOS by using polls that do. So the idea they don't is wrong. Just so the position is clear. In the end, matchups will be based on viewership....That is what is was designed for and they will be true to their goal......
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Postby silverfox » Sat Nov 25, 2006 1:47 pm

I believe Nevada 'approximates' Alabama. You guys can question my methods, I'll stand by them, until they fail me. I also have them at, or near where K-State stands, and K-State beat Texas, at home. (Alabama beat Hawaii). So, what we are talking about (if my methods work) is a Boise St vs Alabama pairing, of sorts.

Lets see then (counting fingers on hands) How many games WAC games has BSU lost since joining that conference? How many times has BSU played Nevada? As I see it Nevada has failed you miserably since they have never beaten BSU in the WAC -- the combined scores of all their games is something like 250 something to 50 smething....

There is no dispute that Nevada is very dangerous and could pull an upset... but I have a feeling that this is just not ging to happen at least this year...

You might berate the conference -- for sure -- BSU has dominated that conference from the beginning -- but just becaue they are a memeber of that conference does not mean they are no good -- as I have said elsewhere today, If BSU is such a letdown from such a shabby conference then why are all the big conferences always aggressively recruiting and throwing money at BSU head coaches? It's becaue they recognize BSU is isolated and a major threat if they ever get the chance to poke their head out...

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Postby Spence » Sat Nov 25, 2006 1:56 pm

I don't think that Boise State is a bad team, but Boise State's record against ranked opponents doesn't support your statement. I know that has little to do with this years team, but it does have to let you see the other side of this argument.
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Postby silverfox » Sat Nov 25, 2006 2:11 pm

That I understand... but regarding seeing the other side of the argument how many ranked teams has Nevada played?

Its not the fault of BSU that they haven't played a ranked team.. fact is they have tried to schedule non-confence games against teams that are usually ranked...nobody really wants to play them... is it because they are a bad team? Or is it because they are afraid of them? NO, neither -- it has to do with the money trail... the population center of the country is nowhere near the Pacific Northwest... so the perception is there is no money in scheduling the Broncos...

But really now, does that mean they should be wrote off as being a silly team with no track record simply because they can't crack the good 'ole boys club..?

Like I have said before and seems like everybody carefully avoids this point:

If all that is said that is derogatory about BSU having a chance to play in the BCS is true -- then why are all the big conferences in such a hurry to try to buy BSU's head coach... ??? I think BSU must have a record over the past 10 years of head Coach's being attracted out of BSU...???

What do you want to bet the pressure is on Coach Peterson right now? It always happens this time of year....

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Postby Spence » Sat Nov 25, 2006 2:37 pm

Siverfox wrote:If all that is said that is derogatory about BSU having a chance to play in the BCS is true -- then why are all the big conferences in such a hurry to try to buy BSU's head coach... ??? I think BSU must have a record over the past 10 years of head Coach's being attracted out of BSU...???

The other side of that is why are other teams able to attract coaches out of BSU to take other jobs?

Boise State would be able to schedule LSU if they wanted. Not home and home, but if they would travel to Death Valley, LSU would play them. Same goes for several teams that are highly ranked. Boise State would have a hard time scheduling a team like Iowa or a team like South Carolina, because of the risk reward system. They could get a USC if they wanted to make the trip. If Boise State wants to be in the BCS championship game, that is the only way they are going to get there. If they just want to play in the BCS, I think it is proven that the way they are doing it is the right way.

Ranking teams is a subjective process and as long as that is the case the only way for a mid major to ensure that they can compete for a championship is to play teams at the top. Playing mid level teams that have a chance to be ranked isn't good enough, because it is a real crap shoot as to whether or not they will be good in the year you play them. Scheduling teams that you can beat, but may be ranked isn't a game that can be won most of the time.
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Postby silverfox » Sat Nov 25, 2006 2:56 pm

The other side of that is why are other teams able to attract coaches out of BSU to take other jobs?

Its called, "show me the money".... simple enough...

You should talk to BSU's Athletic Director if you would like an eye-opener over the difficulty in scheduling non-conference teams. It just is not as simple as you lay out... In fact, it's a very complex task since most of the powerhouse schools that you mentioned have back-scratching commitments already in place, sometimes for years at a time --

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Postby Dossenator » Sat Nov 25, 2006 3:22 pm

Teams that seat 75,000 plus in their stadiums are not going to schedule games against teams like Boise State if those schools want them to come to their house. They lose too much money. You are right it all about the money.

Arkansas scheduled Boise State to back to back games just a few years ago. Both were played in Arkansas. It was all about the money.
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Postby Spence » Sat Nov 25, 2006 3:32 pm

Silverfox wrote:Its called, "show me the money".... simple enough...

No question paying the going price for coaching talent is required to maintain a top program, but isn't that what Boise State wants to be? It isn't all about money, if it were Spurrier or Schiano would be falling all over themselves to get to Miami. Kirk Ferentz and Bob Stoops would be in the NFL.

It is about climbing the ladder. Boise State is a stepping stome on the ladder. Someone once posted on this board that Idaho had more millionares per capita then any other state (don't know if that is true) , so why don't the alumni step up and do what the Alumni at Florida State does? They kick in the rest to keep a coach.

Scheduling the big time programs is something that is done years in advance. Last year, though, the NCAA added a 12th game to the schedule. Every conference team was looking for a game to play. Who did Boise State add?

As tough as it is to schedule tough opponents Arkansas managed to get USC on their schedule. Texas and Ohio State played, and Cal played Tennessee. Anyone of those teams could have made it possible for Boise State to compete for a national championship.
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Postby Spence » Sat Nov 25, 2006 3:37 pm

But Arkansas would probably be open to Boise State coming to Fayetteville without the return trip. That is the only way Boise State will be able to schedule top teams. It is a cart -horse thing.
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Postby donovan » Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:32 pm

Spence wrote:
Silverfox wrote:It is about climbing the ladder. Boise State is a stepping stome on the ladder. Someone once posted on this board that Idaho had more millionares per capita then any other state (don't know if that is true) , so why don't the alumni step up and do what the Alumni at Florida State does? They kick in the rest to keep a coach.

I think you are right Mr. Spence. Under the current system, if you want a BCS bowl bid and are not a "powerhouse" whatever that do what Boise State did this year with scheduling, it has given them the best chance this year they have had...will tell you in a couple three hours how well it worked. If you want to play for the need to do something different. As stated before and express even by the President of the WAC, Boise did this by design.

As for the money thing...there is a law in Idaho that no one can make more than the Governor...includes outside bucks. So Boise is a stepping stone. The only think no one outside of Boise wants to recognize is Boise is OK with this. I have not heard one person in Boise say we should play Ohio State for the NC if they win.
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Postby Dossenator » Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:51 pm

It comes down to scheduling one extremely tough out of conference game...especially because of the conference that Boise State is in. Arkansas had Texas in 2003, 2004, and USC 2005, 2006, and they have Texas scheduled again for 2007, 2008.....and Arkansas plays in a conference where they will all ready have to face at least 4 top 20 teams within conference play. They know that in the BCS system you have to play the they have gone out and scheduled at least one tough out of conference game. If Boise State really wanted to schedule a top tier team then they could.
"A team with something to play for is dangerous, but a team with someone to play for is unstoppable..." Arkansas OL Brey Cook quote following the death of teammate Garrett Uekman (Nov. 2011).

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Postby Spence » Sat Nov 25, 2006 5:01 pm

I know Boise State isn't calling to be in the championship game. Although, I think it should be a goal. I am not trying to give the program a hard time. Just pointing out that it is not just money that separates the different coaching jobs in CFB.

About the coaching thing, though, he can't speak and charge a fee? As long as he is not doing it in his capacity as a Boise State head coach? I am pretty sure he can work for himself and make as much money as he can make. In his capacity as a state worker he may not be able to be paid more then the governor, but as an independent businessman he can make whatever he can make. I am sure the CEO of Simplot makes more then the governor. I don't know if he is on the board of regents at Boise, but I would wager to bet that some of those people make more then the governor as well.
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