sCam Newton

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Re: sCam Newton

Postby Vileborg » Sat Aug 20, 2011 7:30 am

There was a moment after Auburn won the National Championship when Newton was caught by a camera during his coaches speech. Everyone was celebrating but not Cam Newton he had that look of guilt when you know your going to let people down. Like he knew that eventually the NCAA would find out and nullify the whole moment.

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Re: sCam Newton

Postby Derek » Sat Aug 20, 2011 4:46 pm

donovan wrote:
billybud wrote:Bowls and bowl committees are independent of the NCAA. A true example of the private enterprise system at work. Highly populated by republican supply side theorists I would imagine.

"Gimme the money...some will trickle down".

Now I chuckle. I can not believe you even published sentence one. Or were not rolling on the floor with number two. Number three, I think you do subscribe to in general.

As for your quote ... I am sure glad no wide eyed liberal ever said anything ridiculous....I am sure they haven't or I would publish it. Where is my Jimmy Carter Quote book....?


It's amazing that an administration official said that food stamps were a 'stimulus'. I guess they believe in supply side trickle down works when it benefits them.

Are we sure the NCAA is not part of the Federal guv-mint?
They’re either going to run the ball here or their going to pass it.

The fewer rules a coach has, the fewer rules there are for players to break.

See, well ya see, the thing is, he should have caught that ball. But the ball is bigger than his hands.

- John Madden

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