All-Star Game

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Who wins the All-Star game?

American League
National League
Tied Game (lol)
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Total votes: 6

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All-Star Game

Postby Eric » Mon Jul 03, 2006 12:30 pm

What is your take on the newest format for the all-star game? I think it's a load of crap! I mean, since when have all-star games supposed to have meaning to them? People watch the game to see their player(s) and the other stars there, because they're superstars. Nice going, Selig, you managed to destroy something I used to care about :( The reason the all-star game used to be fun because it was fun! The players are supposed to have fun at the festivities. "This One Counts" when it shouldn't. Homefield advantage should be decided on who has the best record of teams playing in the World Series.

Another thing people complain about is when every team in baseball gets represented no matter how bad. This is something I agree with. It's supposed to be there for every single baseball team, something every ballclub can participate in. I don't care if Mark Redman or Scott Kazmir get there, they aren't going to play anyway.

Do you guys think that the world-series manager should have as much say in the roster as they do today? It's quite obvious that Ozzie Guillen picks guys like Burhle because he's a White Sox player. I think that there should be another way to go about this. I think that the fans should vote when the game doesn't MEAN ANYTHING because it's a popularity contest and it's nice to see the fans have a say in things. Not that they always pick the right guys, but we pay their salaries anyway. If This One Counts, Joe Mauer should be playing catcher instead of Pudge Rodriguez.
Running bowl/MSU/OSU record '05-present: 11-32

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Postby Eric » Mon Jul 03, 2006 12:48 pm

Also, who do you think are the biggest snubs? I think Maggs should fill in for Alexis Rios since he is injured, and there is no way that Adam Dunn should not be on the team.
Running bowl/MSU/OSU record '05-present: 11-32

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Postby Eric » Tue Jul 04, 2006 9:52 am

Seriously, Adam Dunn deserves it too. I know his average is around the .240s, but he has got 26 home runs! I think Mussina was the biggest AL snub. Garciaparra would get the top NL Snub.

At least Garciaparra is on the NL Final Ballot. He should win the voting because Abreu is playing good, I don't about all-star good, then there is Wagner, Capuano, and Chris Young. If it's a popularity contest, he shouldn't have a problem.
Running bowl/MSU/OSU record '05-present: 11-32

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