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I love my school!

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 4:11 pm
by openSkies


Man, my school is AWESOME.

(No one was injured... just the school's reputation :) )

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 1:23 am
by Spence
The bad thing about learning to fly a plane is that you may not get a chance to learn from your mistake. Kind of like freestyle rock climbing. How do you learn how to be good at it. :shock: I guess only the good ones live to tell about it.

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 3:28 pm
by ..fanatic
I think it was Wayne Newton (who pilots himself around Vegas in a helicopter) who said, "How you know that I'm a good helicopter pilot is simple...I'm alive."

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 4:35 pm
by openSkies
Helicopter pilots are insane. You could never get me into a helo.

I mean, think about it. The plane that I fly right now can glide for 5 miles from 2,000ft. Easily. So if I lose my engine, I've got plenty of landing options (a grass field, an airport, a long clearing, anything).

If you're in a helicopter and lose you're engine, then you're just flat-out screwed. Yes, they have... I forget the name of it, some type of thing... but anyways, it keeps the blades rotating (very slowly) regardless of whether the engine works, that way you have SOME control. Basically, you can just keep from flipping over or upside down. You're still hitting the ground just beneath you, no matter the terrain.

I've seen some nasty footage of copter crashes. The best I've ever seen was one that was taken from a news helicopter just after take-off. The camera caught the whole thing on tape, and it was pretty bad.

So yeah, that's my 2-cents on helicopter pilots. =]

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 9:43 pm
by Spence
Yeah, I those guys are nuts too. Some things you just wonder how guys learn to do. Cliff Diving is one. The guy who doesn't hit the rocks is the guy who catches on quick. The other guy is a stain. :shock:

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 11:02 am
by openSkies
Hah. Ouch =]