And Now Those Bad Guys are the Proverbial Goodguys ..?

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Cane from the Bend
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And Now Those Bad Guys are the Proverbial Goodguys ..?

Postby Cane from the Bend » Thu Mar 17, 2022 11:17 pm


The more the narrative pushes against Putin, the more suspicious I become of the narrators ...

Now this is happening:

Yeah, the very people anyone who doesn't agree with the mainstream agenda has been slandered as being; are now the heroes they say those people wish to be.

At this point, I wouldn't be opposed to someone melting Twitter's, Facebook's & Google's mainframes.

Cane... [__]

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Re: And Now Those Bad Guys are the Proverbial Goodguys ..?

Postby Derek » Mon Mar 28, 2022 12:57 am

I agree with a lot of what he's saying.. and I'd love to see Putin fail. But I also have a problem with Nancy Pelosi reading poetry about the Ukrainian President.

I also saw a video of the President of Ukraine with his wife doing a song, and the deification of this guy because he could play guitar was amazing.

There is something VERY strange about the whole thing.

However, this wouldn't be happening with Trump as President.
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Re: And Now Those Bad Guys are the Proverbial Goodguys ..?

Postby Spence » Thu Mar 31, 2022 4:22 pm

There are no good guys in this war, at least at the leadership level. It isn't good to allow Putin to push into a non aggressive sovereign country, but the Ukrainian government is just as corrupt as the Russian government.
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