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Postby openSkies » Fri Jun 30, 2006 8:08 pm

Updated the front page a little bit today. I'm actually over at CFP Admin's place right now... I've been showing him how to update the site all morning (things have changed a LOT on our side).

Expect more updates to the front page soon, now that CFP Admin has his bearings. Also, the picks should be coming out... I'm not sure exactly when, but I think sometime in mid to late-July.

He's working on the computer formula daily at this point trying to get in all the schedules and everything else. Back in the day we used to have everything out by now, but in the past there have been too many unreliable sources on schedules (mainly those pre-season mags). Because of this we now have to wait for each school to officially release their schedule. This holds the whole process back, but makes it a lot more accurate.

Hope that answers your Q =]

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