The Boys Made it to Atlanta ....

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The Boys Made it to Atlanta ....

Postby mountainman » Sun Jan 01, 2006 7:04 pm

Chink, Bloom, Maysel and Phil made it to Atlanta. They called to let everybody at the Stumble Inn know and to keep an eye out for them on the TV.

They decided to ride the Amtrak train, so they drove over to Alderson and caught the train. They took the late train and thought that would be a good idea since they could sleep on the train and when they woke up would be in Atlanta.

Maysel got a little 'outta' line' with the conductor when he told him that Ol Blue would have to be put in an animal carrier and put into the baggage car. Bloom convinced him it would be O.K.

Seems there was a little mix up on the sleeping berth assignments though. It was about 10:30 when the boys decided to go to bed, so they asked where they were to sleep. They got their assignments, but when Chink went to his berth there was a lady already in there.

After the initial embarrassment and after they were told there were no other berths available, the lady and Chink decided it would be alright. They figured since they were both married to other people it would be O.K.

Chink said he took the top bunk and the lady took the bottom bunk. After about 20 minutes or so, Chink said to the lady, "Lady, I don't mean to disturb you, but I'm very cold. Would you mind to reach into the cabinet and get me an extra blanket and toss it up here to me?"

The lady said, "Well, you know, just for tonight we could pretend that we are married."

Chink got excited and said, "It's O.K. with me, Oh boy."

The lady they said, "O.K. then, get you butt down from there and get your own blanket!"

Chink said he just rolled over and farted.

Chuckle ... chuckle ... chuckle

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