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Week 9 - A Pause For Reflection

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 3:03 am
by donovan
No Thoughts This Week

I couldn’t keep up with all the great sporting events in the last four days. My eyeballs ache. And yet it is all in the background of reality; in those same four days, a historically violent man kills two African-Americans at a grocery store after he couldn’t get into a black church, presumably to do the same. A hate monger, known to be so for years, sends mail bombs to leaders of our nation and makes all Americans wonder if they are safe. And today a man yelling anti-Semitic words kills 11 people in a synagogue.

Though I watched it all on television, at the end of this day, I need to pause and give my respect and mourn with those that mourn and comfort those in need of comfort, if only in words and thoughts.
I don’t think we can let these evildoers control us, but I do need to keep my perspective.

Mostly I need to find my faith that we as a people, both collectively and as individuals, will do something about this insanity, but right now my hope is dim.
May God bless those that are in pain and suffering, no matter the cause and bless the United State of America to become a “kinder and more gentile nation” before we all die of internal rot.

Re: Week 9 - A Pause

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 6:45 am
by Cane from the Bend

It is truly a maligned world we live in these days. Amplified by all of the ignorance, hate, hypocrisy, rhetoric and intolerance which are wielded as weapons of logic. Being in the thralls to the liberator, while aggression is preached as absolution.

Today [Yesterday], amidst all of the revelment in our favorite sport and/or activities, their were sobering curtains that fell over our hearts. The lunacies of the world had let go of reason and rationale.

I too softened much of the day. I watched as members of the Pittsburgh Police department, Prosecutor, FBI and Mayor, all came forward to give what little words they could offer for assurances and explanation.

Nothing was said that those watching weren't already thinking. And in my best guess, they knew that as each took the podium, one after another. All of their words were scripted, read off of papers they had prepared. It felt as though they were just going through them motions, trying to give the comfort of saying what we were thinking, so as to make those listening have a sense that we all feel the same.

I have no words, other than to say I will pray for those effected by this tragedy. I can only hope they may find solace, that some comfort comes.

And, even through the insanity, there was a bright spot in all of the chaos. A walk on Washington DC that had a purpose of unity, and to show what the Values as Americans have when we listen to one another, instead of the media.

It was the #WalkAway movement. Here is just one video from an attendee:

There are so very many more of these videos. Not just of African Americans, as in that link. But videos of people of all Colors, Religions & Orientations, gathering to strengthen community and country.

It is so easy to get disillusioned by the images splashed across the screen, that we are not given the chance to feel as though society is ready to mend itself. The news corporations want our attention, and will take it by means of vulgarity & violence, derelict & dissonance. They create a vacuum that sucks the heart & soul out of the people, until we are left with a perception of desensitization to our morals & values.

The media seeks to divide us. To build a nihilistic society that is self loathing, hating those who differ in opinion from each other.

They are all too willing to show images of angry mobs, shouting "Not my President" or "Speech isn't Free". However, when people are marching with a positive message, the media finds a way to fill the air with horrific material that would drain our hope.

It takes quite a bit for someone to become so bent, that they would go out with utter disregard, and spread such malice. It takes someone who is festering inside with envisage of illogic, that have fractured their mindset so completely they conceive the worst possible action is the only outlet for relief.

It is even sicker that the media is the common source that feeds such animosity, filling people with headlines that would trigger such reactions.


Re: Week 9 - A Pause For Reflection

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 12:56 pm
by Spence
Well said.

Re: Week 9 - A Pause For Reflection

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 5:27 pm
by Mountainman
Nice posting gentlemen, hopefully there are enough folks around seeking truth. I wonder about that sometimes...... :|

.......... I wasn’t going to go there, but I changed my mind. Your thoughts please, gentlemen, on what is the cause and what is sustaining and perpetuating this “internal rot” our colleague speaks of???

Re: Week 9 - A Pause For Reflection

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 11:04 pm
by Spence
It seems to me the more people try to force acceptance the less people accept. We must teach our children right from wrong at home. Moral codes can't be taught or enforced by the government. They can only be taught at home. Too many of us aren't paying attention to our children. They are our responsibility. It doesn't take a village. It takes a parent.

Re: Week 9 - A Pause For Reflection

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 11:14 pm
by donovan
I agree with Spence. The deterioration of the family. You can not have, when possible, anyone but parents raising their children. When we give up our individual moral responsibilities to any entity, that entity will immediately exercise unrighteous dominion and claim moral superiority to those that gave them the authority.

Re: Week 9 - A Pause For Reflection

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 4:51 pm
by Derek
Agreed! I also need to get myself back in church. I haven't regularly attended going on 2 years. And that ain't cool for me. :oops:

Re: Week 9 - A Pause For Reflection

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 6:59 pm
by Spence
Derek wrote:Agreed! I also need to get myself back in church. I haven't regularly attended going on 2 years. And that ain't cool for me. :oops:

Some people who go aren't really there.

Re: Week 9 - A Pause For Reflection

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 8:59 pm
by Mountainman
Interesting....... I’m reading morality and spirituality, so I’ll toss in intellectually. Let me know if I’m mistaken about anyone’s thoughts.

........and I also venture to say, those who are void or lacking in any of those is most certainly going to struggle with correctness in their thoughts and judgements as they choose and decide how to deal with the numerous pitfalls and choices they’ll encounter along the way.

Just as one example, this country is awash in illegal and dangerous drugs. If we’ve witnessed anything it’s that the supply side has won as law enforcement has shown the inability to prevent in-flow. So, to my way of thinking it’s critical to make aware and ‘educate’ the market side with the above mentionings, to help put a stop to this ‘internal rot’.

Re: Week 9 - A Pause For Reflection

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 3:19 am
by donovan
I have no problem with intellectual arguments that promote civility and abhor violence. All animals belong to a phylum and every phylum has basic instincts and behavior is based exclusively on those instincts. Humans are no exception. Humans belong to the Chordata phylum and here are some human instincts. In no particular order, "fear, anger, hunting, shyness, curiosity, affection, cleanliness, sexual love, jealousy and envy, rivalry, sociability, sympathy, modesty, play, imitation, constructiveness, secretiveness, and acquisitiveness." There has been a recorded evolution of these instincts. One is that man needs to control our instincts.

Religion has evolved as a controller. Most Christians do not adhere to strict Old Testament punishments, even though it is often referred to by groups, that is okay because it will never happen because it is controlled by laws that have ultimate authority in controlling our behavior. Laws are a controller. Wild West justice has morphed and sometimes it seems too much. Swift justice is now anything but. We have cities protecting those who violate laws the leaders believe to be unjust.

The greatest controller of our instincts is summed up in the ancient observation and seemingly an undisputed guideline by every group of people whether legal or religious. "Treat other humans as you want to be treated." When anyone violates that code of conduct, society holds them responsible. Leaders, despots, have been controlled by war.

In my opinion, we are afraid to treat the root problem and like all rot, it will continue if you don't take care of the cause. I happen to think both intellectually, spiritually and in an animalistic sense, the family is the core unit that can stop aberrant behavior at the source. It needs to be cherished, nurtured and supported and in today's society, we celebrate the demise of the "traditional family" in every sense.

(As a footnote I, personally want to be clear as to my beliefs. I cherish my family and am grateful for my birthright of great ancestors, especially my parents. I have, in all, my weaknesses, looked for my strength and faith in Jesus Christ to be the guideline in teaching my children and living my life. I believe in freedom of religion and a tenant of my faith is, "We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.")

Re: Week 9 - A Pause For Reflection

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 7:45 pm
by Spence
I agree. When the traditional family is strong the extended family is strong and the community is strong.

Re: Week 9 - A Pause For Reflection

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 9:22 pm
by Mountainman
I had the pleasure of sitting beside an Australian and his wife at the Baylor game. We had several conversations about a number of topics including Australian Football and American Football among others.
So at some point I asked them about their impressions of America. Two of the things they mentioned was the diversity of religious doctrine in the country, and they marveled at the wisdom of the Founding Farthers in the way they chose to establish the government as representative, with a Bill of Rights,a Constitution and the separation of political power between the legislative, executive and judicial branches.

Not sure just why that came to mind while reading this thread.....

Re: Week 9 - A Pause For Reflection

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 9:56 pm
by Spence
Mountainman wrote:I had the pleasure of sitting beside an Australian and his wife at the Baylor game. We had several conversations about a number of topics including Australian Football and American Football among others.
So at some point I asked them about their impressions of America. Two of the things they mentioned was the diversity of religious doctrine in the country, and they marveled at the wisdom of the Founding Farthers in the way they chose to establish the government as representative, with a Bill of Rights,a Constitution and the separation of political power between the legislative, executive and judicial branches.

Not sure just why that came to mind while reading this thread.....

It is too bad too many Americans can't see the wisdom in what the founding fathers knew 250 years ago. Instead so many try to twist the constitution for their purposes.

Re: Week 9 - A Pause For Reflection

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 11:00 pm
by Mountainman
Spence wrote:
Mountainman wrote:I had the pleasure of sitting beside an Australian and his wife at the Baylor game. We had several conversations about a number of topics including Australian Football and American Football among others.
So at some point I asked them about their impressions of America. Two of the things they mentioned was the diversity of religious doctrine in the country, and they marveled at the wisdom of the Founding Farthers in the way they chose to establish the government as representative, with a Bill of Rights,a Constitution and the separation of political power between the legislative, executive and judicial branches.

Not sure just why that came to mind while reading this thread.....

It is too bad too many Americans can't see the wisdom in what the founding fathers knew 250 years ago. Instead so many try to twist the constitution for their purposes.

Yep, it is.......... Hell, too many Americans can’t even name the three branches of their goverment, much less the function of each or the wisdom behind the reasons it was structured the way it is.

.......btw, Kent State and Bowling Green got a close one going on. :D

Re: Week 9 - A Pause For Reflection

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 11:29 pm
by Cane from the Bend

Mountainman wrote:.......btw, Kent State and Bowling Green got a close one going on. :D

Glad you said it here, because I was going to post a new topic on it.

Bowling Green & Kent State 28 all, both are 1-7 on the year. 4:12 left.

Buffalo & Miami (OH) have been in a close edge fight. Though, Buffalo just scored stretching their lead from 6 points to 9. 3:30 to go.
