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Postby colorado_loves_football » Wed Mar 15, 2006 5:54 pm

Since we are taking it as far back as 1988, I can't help but tell you guys about a 'Cinderella' story. I live in a small town, pop. 8000.
The local college traditionally has approx. 2000 enrollment, give or take a few hundred.
Anyway, one year the football team was pretty good, but they lost to hated rival Mesa State (the same Mesa State mentioned earlier) 71-21, in Grand Junction, Colorado. They were the odds-on favorite, obviously, in the RMAC (Rocky Mountain Athletic Confernece) and they had a QB you might remember Tony Martin (played for Miami Dolphins, but as WR).
Anyway, he was good, and the team overall was possibly the best ever assembled at Mesa State.
However, they were beating in a preliminary round of 16 teams. Adams State was 'on the bubble' #17 overall, in the final poll, not quite good enough to get in, but a team ranked ahead of them had to forfeit all their games, so Adams State got in!
They beat their first two opponents, fairly easily, on the road. Then they came back and played Pittsburgh State, the odds-on favorite to win a Division II title, that season, here. The came was extremely close, and Adams State somehow managed to hold on to a 10-7 tenuous lead.
Pittsburgh was an excellent running football team. How Adams State hung on to win, was right up there with Tampa Bay winning the Super Bowl. Only problem is, that wasn't the championship game.
That was played one week later, in Tennessee, the Carson-Newman Eagles. I had forgotten to mention Adams State had a 'lucky' eagle that the team saw from their practice field. Carson-Newman won easily, but that a #17 seed could even hope to be in the championship game was something of a miracle. The following year, Adams State played Emporia State in the quarterfinals, Leon Lett was their best player.
Emporia State lead 28-0, halftime, and believe it or not Adams State came back to tie it in regulation, before Emporia State won it, at the end.
For that reason, there's a player inducted into Adams State's Hall of Fame, named Bob Saiz. I'm sure none of you have ever heard of him, but he took Adams State to the brink of greatness, twice. That's Division II football for you.

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